

Attribute Details
Name of the Publisher Madras Agricultural Student’s Union
Email ID
Contact No. +91 83009 47681
Head Office Address Madras Agricultural Student’s Union,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore - 641 003,
Tamil Nadu, India

Madras Agricultural Students Union (MASU) is the proud publisher of MAJ started in 1911, was registered as a Society in 1923 (Registration No.1/1923 -24). The MAJ follows strict peer review, ethics, and malpractice policy for more than 111 years


Attribute Details
Publication Language ENGLISH
Journal Starting Year 1911
Current Issue Year: 2025
Volume: 112
Issue: 01-03
Publishing Frequency QUARTERLY
Publication Nature Print & Online
ISSN 0024-9602
E-ISSN 2582-5321
RNI Number 11925/57
Editor in Chief Dr. SENTHIL NATESAN
Director, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology &
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore - 641 003,
Tamil Nadu, India

History of MASU


Welcome to MASU

Madras Agricultural Students Union (MASU), founded in 1911, was registered as a Society in 1923. The first President of MASU was Mr. Cecil Wood, with Mr. De Silva as the first Vice-President, and Mr. Ramaswamy Sivan, the first Secretary and Editor of MAJ.

Several distinguished agricultural researchers from Southern India, including Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, have been members and officials in MASU. The Society has been continuously operating, with 603 life and annual members, along with 4500 student members as of 2011.

The First Vice-President - Mr. Cecil Wood

Mr. Cecil Wood

About The Madras Agricultural Journal (MAJ)

Madras Agricultural Journal

MASU has been publishing “The Madras Agricultural Journal” (MAJ) since 1913, one of the longest-serving journals in India for students and researchers in agriculture and allied sectors. The 98th Volume of MAJ (2011) was published and is available for access online. The journal is cited by numerous national institutes and organizations, including abstracting in prestigious journals like Commonwealth Abstracts and Chemical Abstracts.

MAJ is now included in the Directory of Open Access Journals and is widely cited in research studies in agricultural sciences.

Recognition and Awards

Each year, MASU recognizes distinguished teachers, researchers, and extension experts in agriculture through awards and medals, some of which date back to 1913. MASU also conducts the "ENTHUSIA" competitions, where graduate and post-graduate scholars engage in essay writing and elocution on key agricultural development topics.

MASU Activities
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